APRIL 2022

Synergy of Penta Helix Plus in Reclamation Activities: Study of Mining Strategies in Pasuruan Regency
1Misbahul Munir, 2Moh Bisri, 3Fadillah Putra
1,2,3Posgraduate Program of Universitas Brawijaya Malang, Veteran Street , Ketawanggede, Lowokwaru, Malang City, East Java, 65145
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v5-i4-23

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The Penta helix is a part of public policy, but in some cases, the Penta helix can become a standard for handling mining through reclamation. The involvement of Penta helix plus actors in overseeing mining activities to become Sustainable Mining Practices where there is reclamation in ex-mining areas that are beneficial to the surrounding area. This research method uses a mixed-method by combining qualitative data from interviews, documentation, and observations with quantitative data in the form of questions, then conclusions are drawn. This research shows that Penta helix plus is an alternative for handling mining that involves many parties and becomes an ideal new pattern. Penta helix plus offers a new formulation for synergistic public participation in controlling exploitation activities and hoping for reclamation activities. The involvement of the Penta helix plus also cannot be separated from the elements of communication and coordination as the main indicator in synergy.


Penta helix plus, reclamation, Sustainable Mining Practices, Environment.


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